I was in a car accident and I think I might be hurt, what should I do?

You should go see a doctor immediately. If you have not left the crash scene, take the ambulance to the doctor.

Who pays for my medical bills after a car crash?

Ultimately, the driver who caused the crash is responsible for fairly compensating those who suffered in the crash. However, Todd can advise you on whether you should start paying the bills before the at-fault driver pays you.

How do I know if an insurance company is fairly compensating me?

You probably will not know, but Todd can give you his experienced opinion after handling 100’s of car crash cases – including 2 in which he was injured.

What happens if the at-fault driver had no insurance or very little insurance?

Your own insurance becomes very important. However, your own insurance is then against you because it might have to pay you. Since you will not know how much insurance the at-fault driver has, it is very important that you if you think you were injured you talk to an attorney, such as Todd, before telling your insurance company many details about how the crashed happened. Do not give your insurance company a recorded statement until after you speak with your attorney.

Will and Trust

I had a will made 15-years-ago, do I need a new one?

Yes, Will and Trust Law constantly changes. Additionally, any new additions (or losses) to your family probably require a change to your Will and Trust.

What benefits does a Will provide me?

A Will helps ensure your assets go to whom you designate and helps eliminate family feuding about assets after you pass.

What benefits does a Trust provide me?

A Trust can help protect your assets from taxes, protect them from creditors (including those whom you injure in a car crash or otherwise), protect them from identity thieves, direct your final medical care and help ensure the assets are spent how and by whom you want them spent after you pass – among other benefits.

Civil Litigation

What is “Civil Litigation”?

Civil Litigation is where one or more person, business, trust, etc. attempts to obtain money or court intervention by legal action from or against another person, business, trust, etc. Examples include when a credit card company sues a customer for unpaid bills, when a credit card customer sues a credit card company for violation of the collection laws, when a landlord sues to have a tenant evicted, when a tenant sues a landlord for failure to uphold the lease or for violating landlord/tenant laws, when a doctor sues for payment of unpaid bills, when a neighbor sues to enforce a property line, when an injured person sues for monetary compensation from whomever caused the injury, when a person or entity sues to enforce a verbal or written contract, among a whole host of other circumstances.

It is not where somebody has committed a crime and the government is attempting impose punishment for the crime. Very rarely does Civil Litigation impose punishment. However, Civil Litigation may and often does attempt to compel a criminal to pay monetary compensation for an alleged crime – even if the government failed to punish the crime.

Foreclosure Defense

When should I contact an attorney?

When you see that you will be unable to make a mortgage payment. If you contact Todd, he will outline your options to help avoid losing your home before the mortgage company takes it from you.

What options do I have?

There are several programs designed to help reduce mortgage payments. There is also the option of selling the house – even selling it for less than you owe and convincing the mortgage company to write-off the difference.

What can an attorney do once the mortgage company has filed a lawsuit against me?

An attorney can force the mortgage company to prove the amount that you owe and prove it has complied with the law, all of which requires time, time for you to plan and prepare, time for you to explore your options. If they the mortgage company fails to prove what it needs to prove, then you might have a lawsuit against the mortgage company.